Designação do Projeto: INOVAÇÃO PRODUTIVA
Código do Projeto: POCI-01-0249-FEDER-014977
Código do Projeto: POCI-03-3560-FSE-014977
Objetivo Principal: Reforçar a investigação, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e a inovação
Região de Intervenção: NUTS II – Centro
Entidade beneficiária: COFICAB Portugal Companhia de Fios e Cabos Lda.
Data de aprovação: 06-10-2016
Data de Início: 01-10-2015
Data de Conclusão: 30-09-2017
Custo Total Elegível: 7.103.043,17 Euros
Apoio Financeiro da União Europeia: FEDER – 4.584.641,10 Euro FSE – 24.874,59 Euros
Apoio Financeiro Público Nacional/Regional: N/A
Síntese do Projeto:
A estratégia da COFICAB Portugal assenta no desenvolvimento permanente de novos produtos e na melhoria dos existentes, tendo em vista em apresentar as soluções tecnológicas mais adequadas às aspirações dos nossos clientes e contribuir para a evolução do mercado automóvel.
Este projeto de inovação produtiva permitirá à COFICAB Portugal aumentar a sua capacidade de produção, apostando em duas vertentes produtivas, produção de cabos de transmissão de dados e otimização da produção de fios de secção reduzida.
Com o projeto COFICAB Portugal 2020 espera-se alcançar os seguintes objetivos:
Produção de cabos de dados de alta velocidade
Otimização da linha de produção de fios de baixas secções.
Criação de postos de trabalho e aumento das competências
Aumento do volume de negócios, exportações e da produção nacional
Montante Total Executado FEDER – 7.850.271,87 €
Montante Total Executado FSE – 19.843,57 €
Data de Conclusão do Projeto – 30-09-2017
Lovers of 4 × 4 the adventure of Desert Spirit by lands of the Kingdom of Morocco is back! For 10 days, from March 25 to April 3, next year adventurers can experience the wonders that make this country so appealing. This is an expedition that promises to provide unforgettable adventures and test the camaraderie and team spirit, a tourist trip that the adrenaline will not miss.
Morocco is much more than a desert! It has a very rich tradition and culture and is full of scenery breathtaking! This year’s program, designed for 10 days, will start from Portugal towards Tetouan, a distance of about 800 km, where they will join all expedition participants in the caravan. Tetouan is situated between the mountains and the sea and has one of the most complete and untouched medinas in Morocco.
On the second day of the expedition, adventurers travel to Midelt, a route of 450km that includes stops in the city “Turquoise” of Chefchouen, ideal for photography lovers, as it is a city that surprises for its architecture, crafts, and Moroccan tradition. It is still scheduled a stop at Volubilis, a set of Roman ruins that is probably the best-preserved archaeological site in North Africa. Having reached Midelt participants will have the opportunity to enjoy breathtaking scenery as this city is located next to the mountain ranges of the Middle Atlas and the High Atlas Oriental.
No time to rest, Morocco waits for visitors and on the third day has 270 km to go on a trip that will link Midelt Merzouga, a fantastic opportunity to enjoy some of the most beautiful landscapes of Morocco into the wilderness. Merzouga is a small Berber village in the Sahara desert known to be located next to the Erg Chebbi, the largest group of Moroccan dunes with about 5km to its maximum length and 22 km in length and with dunes that reach 150 meters high.
The fourth day of this expedition will be spent exploring the Erg Chebbi, making like the jeeps, leading them to the extreme, and increasing the adrenaline to the maximum.
The IZB is an internacional, biannual trade show, organized in Wolfsburg, Germany for Volkswagen’s suppliers who came for this year’s edition from all over the world to meet and showcase their products and innovation. This year’s edition was under the sign of new technologies and those that have a limited carbon footprint. Following our benchmark, the next edition, in 2018, will be focused on high voltage cables, charging cables, data cables, and also aluminum cables.
– ISO MEETING 2016 –

COFICAB is a member of the international standardization organization: ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and participates as an active member in the working group: ISO TC 22 / SC32 / WG4, representing Portugal in this committee. There are discussed and defined the requirements and test methods to be applied to electric wires for automotive applications. This working group meets two times a year, the last meeting was held between 18 and 20 May 2016 in Portugal, being the host COFICAB this event, and is responsible for the entire organization and coordination of the same.
58 technicians, from several member countries, took part in this meeting: US, Portugal, Mexico, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, France, China, Japan, South Korea, the Netherlands, Turkey, Belgium, and Austria.